ugly (uglier, ugliest) قبيح
People and things that are ugly are not pleasant to look at.
umbrella (umbrellas) مظلة
An umbrella is cloth stretched over a frame, which you can hold over your head to keep off the rain.
Unicorn مخلوق خيالي
A unicorn is a mythical, one-horned animal.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- understand (understanding, understood) يفهم
If you understand something, you know what it means or how it works.
uniform (uniforms) زي
A uniform is a special set of clothes for people who belong to a group.
upright مستقيم بشكل افقي
Something upright stands straight up
A post stands upright in the ground.
upset منزعج
When you are upset, you feel unhappy and sad.
My mum gets upset when we are naughty.
upside down مقلوب رآس علي عقب
When something is upside down, the bottom part is at the top.
I held my bag upside down and everything fell out.
urgent عاجل
Something urgent is very important and you need to act quickly.
This letter is urgent, It must go to the post tonight.
Use (using, used) يستخدم
When you use something, you do a job with it.
You'll have to use a screwdriver.
useful مفيد
Something that is useful can be used to help you in some way.
usual معتاد
Something that is usual is what happens most of times.
We'll have dinner at the usual time.