quack (quacking, quacked) صوت البط
When a duck quacks, it makes a noise through its break.
quarrel (quarrelling, quarrelled) الشجار
When people quarrel, they talk angirly and sometimes fight.
My friend's mum and dad quarrel about spending money.
quarry (quarries) الفرائس
1 A quarry is a place where people cut stone for building.
2 A quarry is also an animal or bird that is being hunted.
queen (queens) ملكة
1 A queen is a woman who was born to rule a country.
2 a king's wife is also called a queen.
question (questions) سؤال
A question is something you ask when you want to find something out.
queue (queues) الطابور
A queue is a line of people waiting for something.
There was a long queue at the checkout.
quick (quicker, quickest) سربع
1 Something quick is done in a short time
I'll just have a quick drink.
2 To be quick means to move fast.
If you're quick, we'll catch the bus.
quiet هادء
If someone or something is quit, they make very little noise, or no noise at all.
She was so quiet I forgot that she was in the room.
quite جدا
1 If something is quite good, it is good but not special.
2 When something is quite ready, it is really ready.
The potatoes are not quite cooked yet
quiz (quizzes) الاختبار
a quiz is a kind of game. People try to answer a lot of questions to show how much they know.