
kangaroo (kangaroos) الكنغر
A kangaroo is a large, Australian animal that jumps. A female kangaroo has a pocket at the front, where it carries its baby.

keep (keeping, kept) يحتفظ
1 If you keep something, you have it as your own and do not give it away.
Do you want to keep your old teddy?
2 If you keep an animal, you look after it.
My father used to keep geese.
3 To keep also means to make something stay as it is.
Please try and keep your bedroom tidy.

kennel (kennels) بيت الكلب
A kennel is a little house for a dog.

kept احتفظ
see keep.

kettle (kettles) مغلاة
A kettle is used to boil water in.
It has a handle and a spout.

key (keys) مفتاح
1 A key is a piece of metal shaped so that it fits into a lock.
2 A key is also a small lever that you press with your finger. Pianos and typewriters have keys.

kick (kicking, kicked) يركل
When you kick, you hit something with your foot.

kill (killing, killed) يقتل
To kill means to make someone or something die.

kind1 (kinder, kindest) عطوف
Someone who is kind is ready to help other people .
It was very kind of you to get my shopping.

kind2 (kinds) النوع
If two things are of the same kind, they belong to the same group.
A labrador is a kind of dog.

king (kings) ملك
A king is a man who has been born to rule a country.

kiss (kissing, kissed) يقبل
When you kiss someone, you touch them with your lips.

kitchen (kitchens) مطبخ
A kitchen is a room where food is cooked.

kite (kites) الطائرة الورقية
A kite is a light toy that flies in the wind at the end of a long piece of string.

kitten (kittens) الهريرة
A kitten is a very young cat.

knee (knees) ركبة
Your knee is the bony part in the middle of your leg where it bends.

kneel (kneeling, knelt) اسجد
When you kneel, you get down on your knees.

knife (knives) سكين
A knife is a tool with a long, sharp edge for cutting things.

knit (knitting, knitted) يحيك
When people knit, they use wool and a pair of long needles to make clothes.

knock (knocking, knocked) يطرق
When you knock something, you hit it hard.
My little sister knocked her head on the corner of the table.

knot (knots) العقدة
A knot is the twisted part where something like string has been tied.

know (knowing, known) يعلم
1 When you know something, you have found it out and you have it in your mind.
I know the answer to that question.
2 If you know somebody, you have met them before.
I know that boy. He lives in the next street.