
machine (machines) آلة
A machine has parts that work together to do a job.
My mum made this dress on her machine.

magazine (magazines) مجلة
A magazine is a kind of thin book that comes out every week or month. It has stories and pictures in it.

magic سحر
In stories, people use magic to do impossible things.

magnet (magnets) مغناطيس
A magnet is a metal bar that can make pieces of iron or steel stick to it.

main رأيسي
Main means the most important.
The main speaker tonight is the mayor.

make (making, made) يصنع
1 to make means to get something new by putting other things together.
I'd like to make a model aeroplane.
2 If you make a thing happen, it happens because of something you have said or done.
Blowing bubbles makes the baby laugh.

male (males) ذكر
A male is any person or animal that belongs to the sex that cannot have babies.

mammal (mammals) اللبون
A mammal is an animal that can feed its babies with its own milk. Dogs, people, and whales are mammals.

man (men) رجل
A man is a fully grown male person.

manage (managing, managed) يتمكن
If you can manage, you can do something although it is difficult.

map (maps) خريطة
A map is a drawing of part of the world. Maps tell you where different places are and show you things like roads, rivers, and mountains.

mark (marks) بقعة
A mark is something on a surface that spoils it.
How did you get that dirty mark on your shirt?

marmalade مربة البرتقال
Marmalade is a jam made from oranges or lemons.

marry (marrying, married) يتزوج
When people marry, they become husband and wife.

mask (masks) قناع
A mask is a cover that you can wear over your face.

match1 (matches) اعواد ثقاب
1 A match is a small, thin stick that gives a flame when it is brushed on something rough.
2 A match is also a game played between two sides, like football.

match2 (matching, matched) يطابق
If one thing matches another, it is like it in some way.

material (materials) مواد الخام
1 A material is anything that can be used to make something else. Wood and stone are materials.
Materials is something that you can use to make things like cloths.

matter (mattered) يهم
If something matters, it is important.
It doesn't matter what clothes you wear.

mattress (mattresses) مفرش
A mattress is the thick, soft part of a bed.

meadow (meadows) المرج
A meadow is a field covered with grass.

meal (meals) وجبة
A meal is the food that you eat at one go at breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea, or supper.

mean1 (meaner, meanest) بخيل
Someone who is mean does not like spending money or giving people things.

mean2 (meaning, meant) يعني
1 If someone asks what you mean, you tell them what you are trying to say.
I don't understand. What do you mean?
2 If you mean to do something, you plan to do it.
I'm sorry - didn't mean to hurt you.

measles الحصبة
Measles is an illness that makes red spots come on your skin.

measure (measuring, measured) يقيس
When you measure something, you find out how big it is.

meat لحم
Meat is a food. It comes from animals
that have been killed.

medicine (medicines) دواء
Medicine is liquid or pills that a sick person takes to help them get better.

meet (meeting, met) يقابل
When people meet, they come together.
Let's meet in the playground later.

melt (melting, melted) يذوب
When something melts, it changes into a liquid.
My ice cream is melting.

mend (mending, mended) اصلاح
When you mend something that is damaged, you make it useful again.
My brother can mend my bicycle.

message (messages) رسالة
You send a message when you want to tell someone something and you cannot speak to them yourself.

metal (metals) معدن
Metal is a hard material that melts when it is very hot.
Gold, silver, and iron are all kinds of metal.

mice فئران
See mouse.

microwave (microwaves) المايكرويف
A microwave is a special oven that cooks food very quickly.

middle المنتصف
The middle of something is the part that is the same distance from all its sides.

midnight منتصف اليل
Midnight is twelve o'clock at night.

milk حليب
Milk is a white liquid that mothers and female mammals feed their babies with. people often drink cow's milk.

mind1 (minds) عقل
Your mind is the part of you that thinks, feels, understands, and remembers.

mind2 (minding, minded) تكترث
1 If you mind about something you are worried or made unhappy by it.
Gran doesn't mind being left alone.
2 If you mind something or somebody, you look after them for a short time.
Please mind the baby while i go to the shops.
3 If someone tells you to mind something, they want you to be careful./
Mind that broken glass.

mirror (mirrors) مرئات
A mirror is a piece of glass that you can see yourself in

miss (missing, missed) يفقد
1 If you try to hit something and you miss, you do not hit it.
I tried to hit the ball, but missed.
2 If you miss somebody, you feel sad because they are not there.

mistake (mistakes) خطأ
A mistake is something that you did not get right.
I made two spelling mistakes.

mix (mixing, mixed) يخلط
When you mix things you stir or shake them until they become one thing.
Mix flour and water to make paste.

mixture (mixtures) خليط
A mixture is made of different things mixed together.

model (models) النموذج
A model is a small copy of something.

moment (moments) لحضة
A moment is a very small amount of time.
Wait here - I'll only be a moment.

money نقود
money is the coins and special pieces of apaper that people use to buy and sell things.

monkey (monkeys) قرد
A monkey is an animal that lives in the trees in hot countries. It swings and climbs using its hands, feet , and long tail.

month (months) شهر
A month is part of a year. There are twelve months in a year.

moon قمر
The moon moves round the Earth once every twenty-right days. You can often see the moon in the sky at night.

morning (mornings) صباح
The morning is the time from the beginning of the day until twelve o'clock.

motorbike (motorbikes) دراجة نارية
A motorbike is a kind of heavy bicycle with an engine.

motorway الطريق السريع
is a very wide road, made so that traffic can move fast.

mountain (mountains) جبال
A mountain is a very high hill.

mouse (mice) فأر
A mouse is a very small animal with long tail and painted nose.

mouth (mouths) فم
Your mouth is the part of your face that opens for speaking and eating.

mud وحل
Mud is wet earth
We were covered in mud after playing football

mug (mugs) القدح
A mug is a large cup that does not need a saucer.

multiply (multiplying, multiplied) يضرب
When you multiply, you find the answer to a sum

muscle (muscles) عضلة
Muscles are the parts inside your body that help you move.

museum (museums) متحف
A museum is a place where a lot of interesting things are kept for people to goo and see.

music اغاني
Music is the sounds that are made by someone singing, or playing a musical instrument.