
Ice جليد
Ice is water that has frozen hard.

ice cream (ice creams) المثلجات
Ice cream is a sweet, frozen food.

idea (ideas) فكرة
An idea is something you have thought of.
I've got an idea for a good story.

illness (illnesses) مرض
Illness is bad health.
They closed the school because of illness.

imagine (imagining, imagined) يتخيل
1 If you imagine something, you make a picture of it in you mind.
Imagine yourself in a dark wood.
2 If you can imagine something, you think it could happen.
I imagine ben will win.

immediately علي الفور
If you do something immediately, you do it at once.
Put those toys away immediately!

important مهم
1 If someone is important, people take a lot notice of what they say and do.
2 If something is important, it is very useful, or worth thinking about.
Listen carefully, This is important.

impossible مستحيل
If something is impossible, it cannot be done.
It's impossible to jump over that high wall.

information معلومات
Information is facts that tell people about something.
I need information about museums in Oxford.

ink حبر
Ink is the coloured liquid that is used for writing with a pen.

insect (insects) حشرة
An insect is a small creature with six legs. Flies, ants, butterflies, and bees are all insect.

instructions تعليمات
Instructions are words or pictures that tell people what to do.
There are instructions for playing the game on the lid of the box.

instrument (instruments) الآلات
1 Instruments are things that help you do a job.
My dentist has lots of instruments.
2 An instruments is also something that you can use to make music.
A piano and a recorder are musical instruments.

interesting مثير للاهمية
If something is interesting, you want to spend time on it.
I'm reading a very interesting book.

interrupt (interrupting, interrupted) يقاطع
If you interrupt somebody, you stop them saying or doing something for a short time.
Don't interrupt when I'm talking.

invisible خفي
Things that are invisible cannot be seen.
May living things are so tiny they are invisible without special instruments.

invite (inviting, invited) يدعو
If you invite someone, you ask them politely to come or to do something.
Are you inviting William to your party?

iron (irons) مكواة
1 Iron is a strong, heavy metal.
2 An iron is a flat piece of metal with a handle.
You make on iron hot and use it to make clothes smooth and flat.

island (islands) جزيرة
An island is land with water all round it.