جامعة الكويت
كلية الآداب
قسم اللغة الإنجليزية
مقرر علم المعاجم د.حشان العجمي
اعداد الطالب: احمد حسن

Children Bilingual Dictionary is a lively, colourful dictionary for children aged five years upwards. Younger readers will use this dictionary to see how familiar words are spelt, while more confident readers will look up a word for meaning.

This dictionary includes More than 1200 word!! also it includes more than 750 picture to illustrate the examples and definitions given.

This dictionary also intrudeces children to simple grammar. It helps them to recognize that some words have plurals

eg: Frog (frogs)

some change their endings according to their tense

eg: ask (asking; asked)

and other have comparative and superlative forms

Bad (worse, worst)

They may also discover that a word can have several meanings
Chest (chests) 1- A big, strong box 2- The top part of your body

or that the same word can be used in quite different ways

drop 1 (drops) A tiny amount of liquid drop 2 (dropping, dropped) If you drop something you left it fall

This dictionary will develop early dictionary skills, as well as an interest in the english language.

There is a special picture section:
1 Colours.
2 Fruits and vegatables.
3 Transports
4 Days and Months.


accident (accidents) حادث

An accident is something nasty that was not meant to happen.

Tome broke his
arm in a car accident.

ache (aching, ached) يوجع

If part of your body aches, it goes on hurting.

That long bicycle ride has made my legs ache.

active ناشط: مفعم بالنشاط

When you are active, you move quickly and do a lot things.

Those children at the playground are so active they never sit still

add (adding, added) يضيف
1 When you add something, you put it with something else.
Mix the eggs and sugar. Then add flour.

2 When you add, you find the answer to a sum this:
-3 + 4 = 1

address (addresses) عنوان
someone's address is the number of their house, and the name of the street and town where they live.]

adventure (adventures) مغامرة
an adventure is something exciting that happens to you.

adult (adults) بالغ
an adult is a person or animal that has grown up.

aeroplane (aeroplanes) طائرة
An aeroplane is a flaying machine with wings, and one or more engines .

afraid خائف
Someone who is afraid thinks something bad might happen to them
Sarah was afraid to jump into the pool.

afternoon (afternoons) بعد الظهر
the afternoon is the time from the middle of the day until about six o'clock.

against ضد
If you are against somebody, you are on the opposite side to them.
When we play against you, we shall win.

age عمر
The age of someone or something is how old they are.

air هواء
Air is what everyone breathes.
airport (airports) مطار
an airport is a place where aeroplanes land and take off, and people go to travel.

alive حي
A person animal, or planet that is alive is living at the moment.

allow (allowing, allowed)
If you are allowed to do something, you may do it.
I am allowed out today because it is not raining.

Almost means very nearly.
We almost missed the bus

alone وحيد
If someone is alone, there is nobody with them.
Our puppy cries if he is left alone.

alphabet (alphabets) الالفياء
An alphabet is all the letters that are used in wirting, arranged in a special order.

If something always happens, it happens everytime
I am always awake by six o'clock.

ambulance (ambulances)الآسعاف
An ambulance is a special van for taking people to hospital when they are injured or ill

amphibian (amphibians)
Amphibians are animals that start their lives in water and later chanfe so they are able to live on lands.
Frogs are amphibian.

ancient قديم
Things that are ancient are very old.

angry (angrier, angriest) غاضب
If you are angry, you feel upset and want to fight or shout crossly.
Dad was angry when I broke the window.

animal (animals) الحيوانات
An animal is something that lives, can move about, and is not a plant. Parrots, elephants, bees, goldfish, and people are all animals.

ankle (ankles) الكاحل
you ankle is the part where your leg joins your foot.

announce (announcing, announced) اعلان
If people announce something, they tell everyone about it.
The teacher announced that she was leaving at the end of terms.

annoy (annoying, annoyed) منزعج
If someone annoys you, they make you angry.
William annoyed his parents by banging the door every time he went out.

answer (answering, answered) يجاوب
Answering is speaking when someone calls you or ask you a question.
Daniel's mother called him, but it was some time before he answered.

ant (ants) نمل
An ant is a tiny insect. Ants live in large groups called colonies.

anxious متوتر
If you are anxious, you feel worried about something.
Mum gets anxious when I am late home.

ape (apes) قرد
an ape is an animal like a large monkey without a tail. Chimpanzees are apes.

appear (appearing, appeared) يظهر
If something appears, you can suddenly see it.
The door opened and dad appeared.

apple (apples) تفاح
An apple is a round, crisp fruit. Apples have green, red, or yellow skins.

area (areas) منطقة
an area is aprt of a country or a place.
There are good schools in this area.

argue (arguing, argued) يجادل
ًWhen you argue with somebody, you talk about things you do not agree on.
My brother never agrees with me so we alway argue.
armchair (armchairs) كرسي ذو ذراعين
An armchair is a comfortable chair with parts at the side for you to rest your arms on.

arrange (arranging, arranged) يرتب
If you arrange things, you put them in order.
Arrange the books neat piles
art الفن
Art is something special that someone has made like a drawing, painting, or carving.

ask (asking, asked) يسآل
1 When you ask a question, you are trying to find something out.
I asked how old their baby was.
2 If you ask for something you say you want it to be given to you.
I asked for bar of chocolate.

asleep نائم
When you are asleep, you are resting completely, with your eyes closed, and you don't know what is going on around you.

assembly (assemblies) اجتماع
Assembly is the time when a large group of people meet together.
I was late for assembly at school this morning.

ate اكل
see eat.
My sister ate too much at the party.

attention انتباه/عنايه
1 If somebody or something attracts your attention, you notice them.
Flashing lights attracted my attention.
2 When you pay attention to somebody, you think about what they are saying.
James, stop talking and pay attention.

attract (attracting, attracted) يجذب
1 If something attracts a person or animal, they become interested in it.
Shiny things attract jackdaws.
2 When a magnet attracts something, it makes it come nearer.

audience ( audiences) المشاهد
An audience is a group of people who have some to a place to see or hear something.
At the end of the play the audience clapped loudly.

autumn (autumns) الخريف
Autumn is the part of the year when it gets colder, and leaves fall from the trees.

awkward غريب
Something awkward is difficult to use.
The toy cupboard is in an awkward place.
I can't reach it.


baby (babies) طفل
A baby is a very young child.

back (backs) خلف
1 The back of something is the part opposite to the front.
John ran out of the back door.
2 The back of a person or animal is the part between the neck and the bottom or tail.

bad (worse, worst) سيء
1 Thing that are bad are not good.
Sweets are bad for your teeth.
2 Bad food is not fit to eat.
I can't eat that egg. It's bad.

bag (bags) شنطة
A bag is used to hold or carry things.

bake (baking, baked) يخبز
When you bake something, you cook it in an oven.
My dad baking some cakes.

balance (balancing, balanced) متوازن
When you balance something, you keep it steady.
Polly can balance four books on her head.

ball (balls) كرة
A ball is around object that is used in games.

balloon (balloons) بالون
A balloon is a small, coloured rubber bag that you can blow into and make bigger.

banana (bananas) الموز
A banana is a long fruit with a thick, yellow skin.

band (bands) فرقة
1 A band is a group of people who play musical instruments together.
We are going to hear a band play.
2 A band can also be a strip of material round something.
You can keep your pencils together with a rubber band

bank (banks) مصرف/ضفه
1 A bank is a place that looks after money and valuable things for people.
2 A bank is also the ground near the edge if a river canal, or lake.

bar (bars) قضيب
A bar is a long, thin piece of wood or metal.
The monkey put its hand through the bars if its cage.

bare (barer, barest) عار
1 If part of someone's body is bare, it is not covered.
Jenny came downstairs in her bare feet.
2 A room or cupboard that is bare has nothing in it.

bargain (bargains) التصافق
A bargain is something that is worth more than you pay for it.
I got a real bargain in the sale.

bark1 لحاء الشجر
Bark is the hard covering round the trunk and branches of a tree.

bark2 (barking, barked) نباح
when dogs and foxes bark, they make a hard, loud sound.

barn (barns) حظيره المواشي
A barn is a large building on a farm, used to store things like hay.

basket (baskets) سلة
A basket is for holding or carrying things. Baskets are made of strips of materials like straw or thin wood.

bat (bats) خفاش
1 A bat is apiece of wood for hitting the ball in a game.
2 A bat is also an animal like a mouse with wings.

bath (baths) مسبح
A bath can be filled with water so that you can sit in it and wash yourself.

bathroom (bathrooms) حمام
A room with a bath or shower.

battery (batteries) بطارية
A battery has electricity inside it. you put batteries in things like torches and radios to make them work.
My watch needs a new battery.

beach ( beaches) شاطىء
A beach is land by the edge of the sea. It is usually covered with sand or small stones.

bear (bears) دب
A beak is a big, heavy animal with very thick fur.

beard (beards) لحية
A beard is the hair that grows on a man's chin
The wizard had a long, white beard.

beat (beating, beaten) يهزم
1 If you beat someone in a race, you go faster than they do.
I ran very fast, but Alex beat me.
2 To beat can also mean to keep hitting with a stick.
Don't let him beat the donkey.
beautiful جميل
You say someone or something is beautiful if you enjoy looking at them or listening to them.
A black bird's song is beautiful.

bed (beds) فراش النوم
A bed is something to lie down on.
It's time you were in bed.

bedroom (bedrooms) غرفة النوم
A bedroom is a room you sleep in.

bee (bees) نحل
A bee is an insect with wings. Bees make honey.

beetle (beetles) خنفساء
A beetle is an insect with hard wing-covers.

began ابتدا
See begin.
Tom began to talk when he was two.

Begin (beginning, begun) يبتدآ
When you begin, you start something.
Begin running when I blow the whistle.

See begin.
I have just begun a new drawing.

behave (behaving, behaved) يسلك/ستآدب
If someone tells you to behave, they want you to be good.

behind خلف
Behind means at the back of something.
David hid behind a bush.

believe (believing, believed) يؤمن
If you believe something, you feel sure it is true.
Her little brother believe in fairies.

bell (bells) جرس
A bell is a piece of metal that makes a ringing sounds when it is hit.

belong (belonging, belonged) ملك لي
1 If something belongs to somebody, it is theirs.
That pencil belongs to me.
2 If you belong to something, you are part of it.
My brother belongs to the Scouts.
3 If something belongs somewhere, that is its proper place.
Where does this book belong?

belt (belts) حزام
A belt is a band that you wear round your waist.
Your belt needs to be righter - your jeans keep slipping down.

bend (bending, bent) ينحني
If you bend something, you stop it being straight.
bend your knees, then straighten them.

See bend.
the teacher bent a piece of wire into a circle.

best الافضل
Something or somebody that is the best better than any of the others.
Yours is the best drawing today, Mark.

better افضل من
1 If someone can do something better than you, they are cleverer than you are at it.
Alice can draw better than I can.
2 If one thing is better than another, it is more useful, or nearer to what you want.
your red jumper would be better - it's warmer.
3 If you are feeling better, you are well again.

bicycle (bicycles) دراجه
A bicycle is a machine that you can ride. Bicycles have two wheels. A bicycle is often called a bike for short.

big (bigger, biggest) كبير
Somebody or something big is large.
I am much bigger than my baby sister.

bin (bins)
a bin is something to put things in. You can use bins to store things like bread or flour. Some bins are for rubbish.

bird (birds) طائر
A bird is an animal that has wings, feathers, and a beak.

birthday (birthdays) عيد ميلاد
your birthday is a special day of the year. It is remembered because it was the day you were born on.

biscuit (biscuits) بسكويت
a biscuit is a kind of small, thin, dry cake.

bit عض
See bite.
Sam bit the apple with his new frint teeth.

bite (bitting, bitten) عض
If you bite something, you use your teeth yo cut into it.

bitten عض
See bite.
the parrot has bitten my finger.

blade (blades) حاد
a blade is the flat , sharp[ part of a knife or sword.

blame (blaming, blamed) يلوم
If you blame someone, you think is is because of the that something bad has happened.
Mum blamed me for making the room a mess.

balnket (blankets) غطاء
A blanket is a thick cover for a bed.

See blow.
Amy blew out all the candles at once.

blind1 آعمى
Someone who is blind cannot see at all.

blind2 (blinds)
A blind pulls down to cover a window.

block1 (blocks) قطعه
A block is a thick piece of something solid like wood or stone.

block2 (blocking, blocked) مسدود
If something is blocked, things cannot get through
Leaves blocked the drain.
blood دم
Blood is the red liquid that moves round inside our body.

blow ( blowing, blown)
1 When you blow, you make air come out of your mouth.
Watch me blow bubbles!
2 When a wind blows, it moves the air.
The wind blew the leaves into a corner.

see blow.
I've already blown the balloons up.

blunt (blunter, bluntest) كليل
Something like a knife or a pencil that is blunt is not sharp.

boat (boats) قارب
A boat floats and carries people or things on water.

body (bodies) جسم
The body of a person or animal is the whole of them.
His body was covered in spots.

boil (boiling, boiled) يغلي
1 When water boils, it is very hot and you can see bubbles and steam.
2 When you boil something, you cook it in boiling water.
Now boil the potatoes.
bone (bones) عضم
Your bones are the hard parts inside your body.

bonfire (bonfires) المشعله
A bonfire is a fire that someone lights outdoors.

book (books) كتاب
A book has pages fixed inside a cover. Books may have writing and pictures in them.
I am reading a book about horses.

boot (boots) حذاء
1 A boot is a kind of shoe that also covers your ankle.
Michael can't find his winter boots.
2 A boot is also the place in a car where you put luggage.
Put your skateboard in the boot.

bored مملل
If you are bored, you feel tired or irritated because you have nothing interesting to do.

born مولود
When a baby is born, it begins to live outside its mother.
Our new baby was born last week.

borrow (borrowing, borrowed) يستعير
When you borrow something form somebody, they let you take it for a shot time.
Can I borrow your pencil?

bottle (bottles) زجاجه
A bottle is made to hold liquids.
There is a bottle of milk on the step.

bottom قاع
The bottom is the lowest part of anything, and also the part of your body that you sit on.
Clair stood at the bottom of stairs.

bounce (bouncing, bounced) يرتد
When something bounces, it springs back.
The ball bounced off the wall.

bowl (bowls) طاسة
A bowl is a kind of deep plate that is made to hold things like soup, fruit, or breakfast cereals.
Christopher poured milk into his bowl.

box (boxes) صندوق
A box is made to hold things. Boxes are usually made from cardboard, wood, or plastic.

boy (boys) طفل
A boy is male child or young adult.

brain (brains) مخ
Your brain is inside your head. You use your brain for thinking, remembering, and feeling.

branch (branches) غصن
a branch grows out from the trunk of a tree.
Caroline swung from a low branch.

brave (braver, bravest) شجاع
If you are brave, you show that you are not afraid.
This might hurt a bit - you will have to be brave.

bread خبز
Bread is a food made with flour.

break (breaking, broken) يكسر
If something breaks, it goes into pieces or stops working.
Don't break the windows with that ball.

breakfast (breakfasts) افطار
Breakfast is the first meal after you wake up in the morning.

breathe (breathing, breathed) يتنفس
When you breathe, you take air in through your nose or mouth and send it out again.
When Lauren reached the top of the hill, she was breathing hard.

brick (bricks) لبينه
A brick is small block of baked clay. Bricks are used for building.

bridge (bridges) جسر
Bridges go over rivers, railways, or roads, so that people or traffic can get across.

bright (brighter, brightest) ساطع
1 Bright colours are strong and easy to see.
2 Bright lights shine strongly.
3 A person who is bright learns quickly.

bring (bringing, brought) يجلب
If you bring something, you carry it here.
Will you please bring money for the school trip tomorrow.

See break.
I dropped my class and it broke.

see break.
The baby has broken my new mug.

broom (brooms) مكنسة
A broom is a brush for sweeping a path or floor. Brooms have long handles.

See bring.
I have brought you some flowers.

brush (brushes) فرشاة
A brush has lots of short, stiff hairs, fixed into something like wood or plastic. There are brushes for things like making your hair tidy or for painting.

bubble (bubbles) فقعة
A bubble is a small ball of soap or liquid with air inside.
The fizzy drink was full of bubbles.

bucket (buckets) دلو
Buckets are used to carry liquids.

build (building, built) يبني
If you build something, you make it by putting parts together.
I'm building a castle with my blocks.

building (buildings) مبنا
A building has walls and a roof.
Houses, factories, and schools are all buildings.

See build.
A robin built a nest in the old tree.

bulb (bulbs) جزئ الزجاجي من المصباح/ البصل
1 A bulb is the part of a lamp that gives light.
The bulb in my reading lamp has gone.
2 A bulb can be the root of a flower. Daffodils and tulips grow from bulbs.

burn (burning, burnt or burned) يحرق
1 If someone burns something, they damage it with fire or heat.
My mother burnt the toast.
2 If something is burning, it is on fire.
The bonfire burned brightly.

burst (bursting, burst) ينفجر
When something bursts, it breaks open suddenly.
The bag burst and all the shopping fell on the floor.

bus (buses) باص
Buses are big vehicles that can carry lots of people to and from places.

bush (bushes) شجيره
A bush is like a small tree, with lots of branches.

busy (busier, busiest) مشغول
1 Someone who is busy has a lot to do.
Don't talk to dad now - he's busy.
2 When a place is busy, there is a lot going on
The supermarket was busy today.

butter زبدة
Butter is a yellow fat which is made from cream. You can spread it on bread or cook with it.

butterfly (butterflies) فراشة
A butterfly is an insect with four large white or coloured wings

button (buttons) زر
Buttons are sewn on to clothes. They fit into holes or loops to keep the clothes done up.

buy (buying, bought) يشتري
When you buy something, you pay money to have it.
I would like yo buy on ice cream.